I just found out that RT time is not sync. I got it from RT log file, it is
2 hours late, I am not sure why, my server time is correct (by command
date) people say it might be because of mod_perl, can it be possibly the
reason I can't login to RT?

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Alex Decalli <alexdecall...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Yesterday, I upgraded my very old uUbuntu server and with that, mysql and
> apache2 were updated too, configuration files are still the same. I had
> some problems with some file names and locations and Perl modules, I fixed
> them all, now I can see RT login page, but I can't login to that with my rt
> user (already exists in rtdb) alex001. even not with root. I checked things
> like rtuser can access mysql and still has all privileges, rtdb is
> readable to anyone, mysql log says nothing about this problem, apache log
> just says "login for alex001 failed" and I have no idea where else I can
> check or what might cause this problem. Please tell me if you can think of
> anything, I mean what does RT do for user login, what might have been
> changed, what permissions it will need and anything else you might think
> of...
> PS: I am not even sure rt is querying mysql, how can I make sure??
> Thank you all
> Alex

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