
I've just installed MergeUsers for the first time to address the usual 
"multiple email" problem, and I'm seeing a weird problem when trying to change 
the ownership of a new ticket via the "Basics" properties page.

In order to test the MergeUsers functionality, I have added a new user to our 
RT, which I merged to my primary RT account. Since that moment, my account 
doesn't show up in the "owner" dropdown on the "basic properties" page anymore 
- not even after unmerging the new account. It's not a privilege problem, 
because I can still use "take" to take ownership of a ticket. When logged in as 
a different user, who hasn't been touched with the new extension, that user 
does shows up in the "owner" dropdown. Is this a known problem?  Since the 
README mentions a new user iterator, could that be the source of the problem?


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