We use kind of the same idea here. We have an offsite/contract level 1 desk 
that charges per incident and type. We have created a custom field called "TAG" 
with the valid resolution type. The search can then be done from the Simple 
Search by using  "cf.TAG:value"

Tools > Configuration > Custom Fields > Create will get you to the setup.

Matt Brister - Sr. Desktop Support Analyst 
O: (425)492-8281
C: (425)533-5714

-----Original Message-----
From: Donny Brooks 
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com<mailto:rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com>
Subject: [rt-users] Categories
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 08:02:31 -0500

On our old helpdesk (hand written php/mysql setup) we had different categories 
that a ticket could be put into. The choices were like:

New user

We have set up RT with a main queue that the ticket then gets routed to either 
one of two sub queues as we have two different I.T. groups in our agency. 
Instead of setting up a queue for each category what would be the best way to 
be able to check categories for stats? I was thinking keywords/hashtags in the 
resolution. Anyone else have ideas or pointers?

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