
We're trying to do a large cleanup of our database. There are a lot of obsolete 
ObjectCustomFieldValue records that are related to deleted tickets.
I would expect rt-validator to both delete related Transactions AND The 
ObjectCustomFieldValue records themselves.

This is not happening, although it does detect issues - for example:
Record #33716942 in ObjectCustomFieldValues references a nonexistent record in 
        ObjectId => '6417200' => id
Record #1 in ObjectCustomFieldValues references a nonexistent record in 
        ObjectId => '8651463' => id

After spending a lot on time on this, I came to realize that the sub in 
rt-validator for custom fields integrity does not use delete_record at all.

Example that uses delete_record:
push @CHECKS, 'Tickets <-> Role Groups' => sub {
    # XXX: we check only that there is at least one group for a queue
    # from queue to group
        'Tickets', 'id' => 'Groups', 'Instance',
        join_condition   => 't.Domain = ?',
        bind_values => [ 'RT::Ticket-Role' ],
    # from group to ticket
        'Groups', 'Instance' => 'Tickets', 'id',
        condition   => 's.Domain = ?',
        bind_values => [ 'RT::Ticket-Role' ],
        action => sub {
            my $id = shift;
            return unless prompt(
                'Delete', "Found a role group of a nonexistent ticket."

            delete_record( 'Groups', $id );

Now, custom field checks are done this way, without delete_record:
push @CHECKS, 'CustomFields and friends' => sub {
    #XXX: ObjectCustomFields needs more love
        'CustomFieldValues', 'CustomField' => 'CustomFields', 'id',
        'ObjectCustomFieldValues', 'CustomField' => 'CustomFields', 'id',
    foreach my $model ( @models ) {
            'ObjectCustomFieldValues', 'ObjectId' => m2t($model), 'id',
            condition   => 's.ObjectType = ?',
            bind_values => [ "RT::$model" ],

I'm not entirely safe with putting a delete_record somewhere in there.

Can someone chime in about what would be my best course of action ?


David Moreau Simard

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