
Grep Ticket/Display.html for "History" and more importantly take a look at
Ticket/Hisotry.html file. Work from these examples to embed history in

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Jason Ledford <jledf...@biltmore.com>wrote:

> I am wanting to customize the update page (reply or resolve) so that the
> History section also shows on the page.  We want to see the ticket history
> to know what we are replying or commenting to.  Can someone assist in
> getting that info on the page?  I have already placed the Update.html in my
> local folder but perl is not my strongsuit.  Taking that a step further, is
> it possible to have the first comment in the reply?  Would that be a
> template change?  Help is appreciated.  Thanks.****
> ** **
> Jason Ledford****
> *Systems Analyst*
> The Biltmore Company <http://www.biltmore.com/>****
> One North Pack Square****
> Asheville, NC 28801****
> (828) 225-6127****
> ** **

Best regards, Ruslan.

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