On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 05:46:16PM +0000, Thomas  Misilo wrote:
>    I just want to verify the steps I would need to take in order to upgrade 
> to the latest version
>    of RT.
>    Currently I have setup
>    /opt/rt4.0.5
>    /opt/rt4 `a symlink to 4.0.5
>    /opt/rt-4.0.17
>    I know I will need to copy the the RT_SiteConfig.pm to the new version. 
> Will I need to copy
>    any files (other than my theme) over?

You should not copy any files other than the config or other local

There are database changes between those versions you will need to run.

You should be following any upgrading steps listed in the README and
UPGRADING-4.0 document.



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