
Nathan Cutler wrote:

> > Find `sub Next` in lib/RT/Extension/MergeUsers.pm, put logging or printing
> > debug statements there to check what is going on.
> OK, I'll try that. I ran some more tests on my testing RT instance.
> Here's what I just found out:
> When no users are merged, the script produces the same output (same
> users, same number of users) as the SELECT statement. When I then go
> and merge a single user into another user, the number of users
> produced by the script decreases by *two* -- the merged user *plus*
> the alphabetically last user.

I can reproduce this on our installation (RT 4.0.17). I suspect it's also the 
cause for the problem I reported earlier last week - while logged in as a 
"merged" user, my user wouldn't show up as potential owner when modi fying a 
ticket. It's not a rights problem in my case since this user can "take" any 

I did try to trace the problem in the code, but I got lost in the vast 
wilderness of DBIx::SearchBuilder  subclasses ;-)

Thomas Bätzler
BRINGE Informationstechnik GmbH
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