On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 01:58:55PM +0000, Matt Brister wrote:
>    I have my RT instance set up to have a Change Management queue with the 
> hidden "_Approvals"
>    method (works awesome by the way). Tickets in this queue have a Custom 
> Field set for an
>    "Impact to user" level. I would like to be able to see this CF value as a 
> column in the search
>    results of the "[_1] newest unowned tickets". Is this possible without 
> major modifications?

As a superuser -

Click on Edit, click on Edit this Saved Search, click on Advanced, add
__CustomField.{Impact to user}__ to the search, update the search.

If you were building a Queue specific search, you'd be able to do it
from the normal Format builder at the bottom of the Query builder.


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