Ah, just that question has pointed me in the right direction.

For the benefit of the list archives, the problem was with the contents
of Set(@PriorityAsStringOrder, ...) in the config.

The example config had one-word labels, something like
Set(@PriorityAsStringOrder, qw(low medium high)). My labels are multiple
words, so I knew that qw() was the wrong list construction. I changed that
to something like

Set(@PriorityAsStringOrder, ['3 days to go', '2 days to go', '1 day to go',
'last day', 'overdue']);

Obviously my perl is too rusty for my own good. Changing the square
brackets to parentheses changed the second argument from an array to a
list, as it should have been. This is correct:

Set(@PriorityAsStringOrder, ('3 days to go', '2 days to go', '1 day to go',
'last day', 'overdue'));

It all works as I expect now. Perhaps the documentation could include more


On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Ruslan Zakirov <r...@bestpractical.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Show your config options for the extension and version.
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Rob Chanter <rchan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I've installed the RT::Extension::PriorityAsString extension into RT4.04
>> on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. It does, as advertised, display priorities as strings,
>> but also seems to make an unwanted change to the Edit Queue page.
>> Before installing the extension, I get a normal input field into which I
>> can type a number for starting and final priority:
>> <tr><td align="right">Priority starts at:</td><td><input 
>> name="InitialPriority" value="17" size="5" /></td><td align="right">Over 
>> time, priority moves toward:</td><td><input name="FinalPriority" value="22" 
>> size="5" /><br /><span><em>requires running rt-crontool</em></span></td></tr>
>> After installing/configuring the extension, this is replaced by an option 
>> list containing one entry, which looks like an arrayref.:
>> <tr><td align="right">Priority starts at:</td><td><select 
>> class="select-priority" name="InitialPriority"><option 
>> class="array&#40;0x27250880&#41;" value="" 
>> >ARRAY&#40;0x27250880&#41;</option></select></td><td align="right">Over 
>> time, priority moves toward:</td><td><select class="select-priority" 
>> name="FinalPriority"><option class="array&#40;0x27250880&#41;" value="" 
>> >ARRAY&#40;0x27250880&#41;</option></select><br /><span><em>requires running 
>> rt-crontool</em></span></td></tr>
>> I would guess the extension has a misplaced '@' where there should be a '$'. 
>> Perl version is 5.14.2.
>> This prevents me setting the priorities in new or existing queues. Any ideas 
>> on how to resolve it?
>> TIA,
>> rob
> --
> Best regards, Ruslan.

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