
I currently have RT v4.0.7 installed on a Debian server (RT was installed from Debian repositories). For various reasons, I need to put RT onto a new server, and was going to stick with Debian, but instead of using RT from the repositories, I am planning on doing a source install (the repositories are not updated very often, and doing a source install will be easier to keep RT updated, IMO)

I am wondering what the best way to go about this is. I am seeing two ways to do this:

1.) Install RT v4.0.7 on the new server, then import current configs and database. Once confirmed all is working properly, perform upgrade to v4.0.17. Or

2.) Install RT v4.0.17 on new server. Import configs and database from current 4.0.7 server. Jump to the database schema upgrade part of the "upgrade" instructions

The second option would of course be easier and more efficient, as it eliminates a step, and it seems to me that it should work, since it seems the biggest part of upgrading RT seems to be the database schema part; I just don;t know if there might be any "gotchas" doing it that way.

What would be the best/recommended way to go?

Thanks! :-)

RT Training in New York, October 8th and 9th: http://bestpractical.com/training

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