Hello everyone,
I am new to this list and am hoping I can find assistance (as well as offer my 
own assistance to other RT users in the future.)

I am experiencing in issue in which certain scrips have stopped functioning. I 
have scoured Google as well as the archive for this mailing list, and have not 
been able to find an answer. Here's what's going on:

I have a scrip (#15) with the following settings:
Description: On Correspond Notify Requestors
Condition: On Correspond
                Action: Notify Requestors
                Template: Global template: Correspondence
                Stage: TransactionCreate

                User- Defined fields are left blank.

Up until recently, this has worked fine, and any time a reply was made to a 
ticket, the web interface would note in the ticket history that an outgoing 
e-mail was recorded. Now, the web interface says nothing below the reply and no 
e-mail is sent to the requestors. Other e-mail traffic (such as when a ticket 
is created) functions perfectly. I have debugging enabled, and for each ticket 
reply I see this in the log:

                [Mon Oct  7 20:21:15 2013] [debug]: Skipping Scrip #15 because 
it didn't Prepare (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Scrips.pm:237)

I am unclear exactly what "it didn't Prepare" is supposed to mean, when I am 
using a predefined condition and action. The only thing that has changed 
recently is that I created a separate scrip to notify a ticket owner when a 
comment is made to a ticket. I have since deleted both scrips and recreated the 
one described above, to no avail. I have not modified any other pre-existing 

Thank you for any assistance or insight you may provide!

-Jesse Davidson
IT Support Analyst, Senior
College of Medicine ITS
University of Arizona
RT Training in New York, October 8th and 9th: http://bestpractical.com/training

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