You should really read all the upgrading documentation.

Your point is described here:


Am 13.11.2013 03:09, schrieb CLOSE Dave:
> Trying to upgrade RT with MySQL (actually MariaDB) from 3.8.7 to 4.2.0. 
> I've reached the database upgrade step and it starts correctly. But it 
> stops after reaching the upgrade to 3.9.3, with some errors reported on 
> 3.9.2 as well. But before I try to resolve these errors, I'd like to 
> clarify a simple point. When does the old database get copied to the new 
> one?
> RT 3.8.7 uses the database rt3; RT 4.2.0 uses rt4. As near as I can 
> tell, the upgrade script is essentially creating an empty database and 
> hasn't made any modifications at all to rt3. Is this expected? Should 
> the database content be copied from rt3 to rt4 before all the schema 
> changes or after? What does that copy?

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