
RT: 4.0.7

I’m trying to include the html version of the Transaction Content in response template but only getting the text version. Template code is something like this,

Content-Type: text/html

RT-Attach-Message: yes

Subject: [Update] {$Ticket->Subject}

{$Transaction->Content(Type => 'text/html')}


After some tbshooting what I think is affected us is all of our emails include an image in the sig area. The image looks to be processed as an html attachment when RT sends the replies out on the template. Noted by someone back in 2005, that because there is an html attachment the RT code assumes its included the needed html Content() .


“I looked code of ContentObj method in Transaction_Overlay.pm According to code it just test first attachment in attachment list. And
don't test rest attachments.”


When I test without the image in the signature area the html Content is correctly included which seems to confirm it’s the problem.

 Are newer versions of RT handling this situation better or are there suggested workarounds?

 Thanks, David


David T. Grayston

Systems & Database Administrator, Application Development

University of Washington School of Public Health

Office of the Dean


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