Hi Folks -

  I've been using RT for a while, but basically just using what was
set up by an administrator before me.  I recently did a major upgrade
from 3.8.8 to 4.2.1 to get us on a recent release.

  Since this upgrade (and maybe before), we were getting some
complaints that too much email was coming out of RT.  I looked around
a bit and we seem to have a mess of Scrips running on all sorts of
status changes.  I would like to declare bankruptcy on the scrips that
are set up and just get all the responses reset back to the default
and be able to modify from there.

I've searched through Google and the list archives, but can't seem to
find any methodology for doing this.  In the archives, I saw a script
that was in the GIT tree called fixup-default-scrips, but a) I don't
see it in the release tar and b) I'm guessing it might have been for
internal dev, not for what I am doing.

Does anyone have a good way to do this?


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