Thanks for the reply. I reran the script and selected mysql (which I did
originally) it had an error at the end and I had a choice to retry, abort,
retry (skip questions) so I said retry and it asked me the questions again
and I answered as before and the script ended without an error. I went into
Mysql with phpmyadmin and the database was created by when I go to the web
address I now get

   - Config file /etc/request-tracker4/ is locked

I checked all of my windows and I don't have it opened anywhere.
I restarted the server just in case but I still get the message.

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Kevin Falcone <>wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 07, 2014 at 11:40:19AM -0500, john boris wrote:
> >    I installed RT4.2.2 using apt-get from the repositories on Ubuntu
> 12.10 LTS. When I try to
> I'm not aware of RT 4.2 packages on Ubuntu or Debian.  Ubuntu in fact
> tends to run multiple versions of packages behind the Debian release.
> >    start apache I get a database error whic states
> >    [warning]: DBI
> connect('dbname=/var/lib/dbconfig-common/sqlite3/request-tracker4/rtdb;
> >    I selected mysql when I did the install but the config files seem to
> telling it to use
> >    sqlite3.
> >    I have looked through the config files and I thought I had mysql
> selected.
> >    Where do I change the config to tell RT to use mysql?
> Since you're using the debian packages, which offer you database
> choices during setup, you should rerun their setup script with
> dpkg-reconfigure request-tracker4 and also ensure that you've
> installed the rt4-db-mysql package.
> If you've in fact installed from source, then you should rerun
> configure selecting mysql, not sqlite.  RT's default is MySQL so you
> would have had to pass an explicit selection of sqlite.
> -kevin

John J. Boris, Sr.
Online Services

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