Dear Kevin,

Thank you for taking the time to respond. Unfortunately for me I have not been able to entirely resolve the issue just yet but the problem appears to be outside of RT.

On 03/04/2014 08:35 PM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 04:01:42PM +0100, Guido Passet wrote:
For almost a week now I have been trying to correctly configure the
"To:" header for emails being send to AdminCcs.

email but the email has a strange "To:" header. Depending on my
configuration I either get:

   "Owner,AdminCc of MyName Ticket #51":;

The former is using the default FriendlyToLineFormat and
UseFriendlyToLine .

The latter is what happens when the To: line is left blank, as in the
case of notifying AdminCcs.  This then leaves it to your MTA to choose
what header to provide (many, such as older versions of postfix
explicitly provide what you see).
     To: undisclosed-recipients:;

I have tested all variations of the aforementioned configuration options on recent postfix setups. Either with the default undisclosed_recipients_header setting or defining it explicitly as empty.

The best setup I could get to was an empty "To:" option in the mail-client of preference. Which, this week seems to be Thunderbird.

instead of the queue-emailaddress. This makes replying to tickets
from email rather annoying as the AdminCc receiving the email needs
to correct the address he is replying to.

RT sets a Reply-To: automatically.  Their mail client should be using
that.  What mail client are you using which is ignoring that?

The Reply-To: field is picked up perfectly. The issue appears with To: or the missing To:.. This instance of Thunderbird 24.x seems to have some trouble dealing with this.. Interestingly a cross-check with a webmail or mutt client reveals that things work perfectly fine. The culprit seems to be with Thunderbird..

I have tried tinkering with UseFriendlyToLine and
FriendlyToLineFormat but to no avail. Trying to use the
FriendlyToLineFormat seems illogical as its arguments seem to be
WatcherType and TicketId..

I'm not sure why those are illogical.  It lets you write a custom To
line which says "This mail was sent to the Owners and AdminCcs of
ticket 51" which some users appreciate (As long as sendmail isn't

I never thought of it or used it like this before. Makes sense now. Tnx.

I've been hitting reply to admincc emails from RT for more than a
decade which have undisclosed-recipients:; in the To: header without
an issue.

Same here (though almost a decade now).. its why I could not believe my RT test setup would behave so strangely in a default install.

Thanks again for the pointers. It seems i am able to progress now.

Best regards,

RT Training London, March 19-20 and Dallas May 20-21

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