Hi all,
I have some external code that relies on REST to identify the relation 
between users and groups in our RT.

Since RT 4.2.2, REST responses have changed and I am now trying to fix 
the code but I have been unsuccesfull until now.

In the attachment you find the REST queries with the corresponding the 
responses, both for RT v2.4.1 and for RT v4.2.2.

I would like to know if there is a way to recover the info I need.

Thank you in advance

! RT 4.2.1 !
> http://amended/REST/1.0/group/DBA

< RT/4.2.1 200 Ok
< id: group/100
< Name: DBA
< Description: Utenze del servizio Database Administration
< Members: GROUP [DB2] (USER1 <us...@acme.org>;USER2 <us...@acme.org>;USER3 
<          GROUP [Sistemi] (USER4 <us...@acme.org>;USER5 <us...@acme.org>;USER6 
<          GROUP [MSSQL] (USER7 <us...@acme.org>;USER8 <us...@acme.org>;USER9 
<us...@acme.org>;USER10 <use...@acme.org>;USER11 <use...@acme.org>;USER12 
> http://amended/REST/1.0/group/DB2

< RT/4.2.1 200 Ok
< id: group/97
< Name: DB2
< Description: Utenze che operano su DB2
< Members: USER1 <us...@acme.org>,
<          USER2 <us...@acme.org>,
<          USER3 <us...@acme.org>

! RT 4.2.2+ !
> http://amended/REST/1.0/group/DBA

< RT/4.2.2 200 Ok
< id: group/100
< Name: DBA
< Description: Utenze del servizio Database Administration
< Disabled: 0
> http://amended/REST/1.0/group/DB2

< RT/4.2.2 200 Ok
< id: group/97
< Name: DB2
< Description: Utenze che operano su DB2
< Disabled: 0
> http://amended/REST/1.0/search/group?query=

< RT/4.2.2 200 Ok
< 49126: Auditing
< 195476: BKGestioneSistemi
< 195478: BO
< 14885: Contrattualistica
< 97: DB2
< 100: DBA
< 195477: DC
< 14883: Dipartimentale
< 86837: DWH_SCHD
< 14881: Esercizio Applicazioni
< 14884: Gestione_Modelli
< 99: MSSQL
< 31099: OnDemand
< 14886: Richieste_Schd
< 14882: Schedulatori
< 98: Sistemi
< 195479: WS
> http://amended/REST/1.0/search/group?query=name%20=%20DB2

< RT/4.2.2 200 Ok
< 97: DB2
RT Training - Dallas May 20-21

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