I have tried to feed test message into production RT instance 3.8.16
and it ends in the database:

  interni=# select contenttype, contentencoding, content, trigrams from 
attachments where transactionid =254774;
  -[ RECORD 1 
  contenttype     | text/plain
  contentencoding | none
  content         | Пример текста содержащего кирилицу и латиницу.
                  | This is example of cyrillic and latin text in th body.
                  | Encode as quoted-printable.
                  | --
                  | Arkady Glazov
  trigrams        | '-pr' 'abl' 'ady' 'amp' 'and' 'ark' 'ati' 'azo' 'ble' 'bod' 
'cod' 'cyr' 'd-p' 'dy.' 'ed-' 'enc' 'est' 'exa' 'ext' 'for' 'gla' 'his' 'ill' 
'int' 'kad' 'lat' 'laz' 'le.' 'lic' 'lli' 'mpl' 'nco' 'nta' 'ode' 'ody' 'ote' 
'ple' 'pri' 'quo' 'ril' 'rin' 'rka' 'tab' 'ted' 'tes' 'tex' 'thi' 'tin' 'uot' 
'xam' 'yri' 'zov' 'ати' 'аще' 'дер' 'его' 'екс' 'ерж' 'жащ' 'или' 'име' 'ини' 
'ири' 'ицу' 'кир' 'кст' 'лат' 'лиц' 'мер' 'ниц' 'оде' 'при' 'ржа' 'рил' 'рим' 
'сод' 'ста' 'тек' 'тин' 'цу.' 'щег'
So I think, this is really problem with RT 4.2.3 :(.
RT Training - Dallas May 20-21

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