I have an RT 4.2.6 install running on MariaDB.

I installed the Sphinx extension into MariaDB following these isntructions:

After that I followed the directions on

The output of sbin/rt-setup-fulltext-index gave me some good defaults,
I changed a few sphinx settings like file locations and port numbers.

If I connect to the database manually and run
select * from AttachmentsIndex WHERE query='wiki;mode=any';

I get some results back, and I see

[Tue Aug 26 23:42:17.254 2014] 0.000 sec 0.000 sec [any/0/rel 122
(0,20)] [rt] wiki

In the Sphinx log.

However, when I try and do a search in RT, I don't get back content
results and I don't see anything appear in the sphinx log

What am I doing wrong?
RT Training - Boston, September 9-10

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