On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 11:12:49AM +0200, Eric Maisonobe wrote:
> So i've tried to disabled groups : the problem occur on groupId 4777 : when it
> is disabled, all access are ok, and resctrict access working.
> So i've removed ALL right to this group : that's make no changes : when the

I have no idea what "removed ALL right to this group" means.

> group is un-disabled, user1 has his normal and restricted access, but user2
> have full access to all queues.
> One more time, when i disable the groupId 4777 , all goes right.
> So .... i'm a bit lost ......
> Have you any idea ?

This implies there are other rights you don't know about.
You can look in the ACL table for that rogue group.
You can also try the script from the RT-Extension-Utils package,
although I have no idea if it works on 4.2



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RT Training - Boston, September 9-10

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