On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 03:16:10PM +0100, David Lane (IT Support) wrote:
> 1) Users are members of a security group, I was thinking i could create a CF
> and add the cc user in there and have a scrip to add them as a cc - any ideas
> or recipes appreciated... We don't run a queue for each customer so I can't
> just use the queues....

You want AddWatcher, you pass in the PrincipalId of the group you want
to Cc.  You probably also want to use IsWatcher first so you don't add
someone twice.

> 2) In selfservice - the history.html link (from the subject) doesn't work - is
> this a bug, permissions or something i've broken i'm using rt 4.2.6 on debs ?

SelfService doesn't link to a History.html (it doesn't have one).
I suspect you've misconfigured something, probably
but you'll need to better explain the problem if that isn't it.


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