Hi Elisabeth,

if you don't set a InitialPriority on the queue page, the priority of a
new created ticket is 0. As you didn't defined a mapping for 0 in
PriorityAsString config you get the 'unknown' priority.

Just add 'Aucun => 0' to your PriorityAsString config and everything
should be fine.


Am 02.10.2014 um 18:49 schrieb elif...@free.fr:
> Hello,
> I use the extension PriorityAsString on a new RT 4.2.6 (still under
> testing).
> The settings in RT_SiteConfig :
> Set(%PriorityAsString, (Standard => 50, Moyenne => 80, Haute => 100));
> Set(@PriorityAsStringOrder, qw(Standard Moyenne Haute));
> Test 1/ When I create a new ticket, the ticket display page shows :
>   Priorité: Standard/Standard
> This is OK. Fine.
> Test 2/ When I create a new ticket by sending a mail to a queue, the
> ticket display page shows :
>   Priorité: unknown/unknown
> Then, when I click to modify the ticket, both fields are already set to
> Standard; and when I save, I get confirmation both fields have been
> changed from unknown to 50.
> Why these fields show 'unknown' when ticket is created by mail ?
> By the way, it's the same for InitialPriority, but it is not displayed
> in the ticket.
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> Regards,
> Elisabeth

RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

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