On Wed, Oct 08, 2014 at 01:37:48PM -0700, Duncan Napier wrote:
> - SelfService access by default
> - But can run search URLs "http://my.company.com/Search/Results.html?Format= 
> ..."
> In other words, forcing privileged users to have a SelfService home page, 
> while still granting the privilege to run searches through hyperlinks or 
> their browser URL Bar. Or is this better managed through Dashboards? 
> I see older version of RT (v 3) that have extensions like
> AutoRedirectToSelfService 
> BasicVsAdvancedInterface

The first of these just seems like a poor implementation of the
Unprivileged flag check.  The latter lets users "prefer" selfservice,
but if it was written against 3.6, I doubt it would work.

> that seem to either force users to SelfServe or give them a choice but I'm 
> not sure how well or if they will work on RT4.

I would test modifying the SelfService restrictions to allow access to


You're likely to need other relaxations to allow charting results

Or, just email the dashboards to your managers with a subscription.


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