On 15-10-2014 20:08, William Clarke wrote:
> RT,
> Little more info...
> I have migrated\updated rt3 database to a fresh install of rt4.2.8. So
> I can bounce back and forth between rt3 database and rt4 database with
> $DatabaseName in RT_SiteConfig.pm.
> rt4 database has "RT::Extension::Assets" plugin working however the
> tables (rtxassets, rtxassets_id_seq, rtxcatalogs, rtxcatalogs_id_seq)
> aren't populated due to this being a fresh database.
> old rt3 build\database on the other hand had "RTx::AssetTracker"
> installed so it has the following tables\sequences that rt4 does not
> (at_assets, at_assets_id_seq, at_ips, at_ips_id_seq, at_ports,
> at_ports_id_seq, at_types, at_types_id_seq)
My plan of attack:
- generate for all assettypes a seperate rt_config.pm which maps the
CustomFields to the right Catalogs
- generate a search to export each assettype to a csv file
- import using the RT::Assets import tool to import them maintaining the ids
- write a small perl script to walk all tickets,articles,old_assets
looking for links to old_assets and relink them to the new_assets.
- drop the old tables.

In concept this should work I think but I'm open to better ways todo
this since its error prone and a lot of work.
> Installing AT3.0 has given me some issues with both rt3 and rt4
> database. It appears it's no longer supportd after rt4.0.0. We were
> hoping you guys could shed some light on this for us. How can we
> migrate our old Asset Tracker data into rt4 database or maybe get rt3
> database fully functional on 4.2.8.
Had the same problem and 'fixed' that in testing by looking at the error
and where it was generated. From memory it was about a CustomField type
of thing.


RT Training November 4 & 5 Los Angeles

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