On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 10:29:10AM -0400, rjandric via rt-users wrote:
> The screenshots seemed to be wrong in my last post, but here they are:
> <http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/file/n58872/Screen_Shot_AfterHrs.png>
> <http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/file/n58872/Screen_Shot_Autoreply.png>
> Both Scrips are using the same condition with and one with 2 different
> templates chosen based on the condition, so it should be one or the other,
> but not both as in my test...

Custom conditions only run when your Condition is "User Defined"
Your condition is On Create, so your code is never run (you can see
this by adding RT->Logger->error("Running?"); commands to your code.


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