Am 12.12.2014 um 13:33 schrieb Alex Peters:
> Do you have the option of using a multi-line custom field and writing
> one address per line?
> As far as I can see, that's the only really sane way to store multiple
> free-form values per ticket.
I recently got the info from my users that we also need to group by
address (Charts), so this isn't possible with you suggestion.

> This is a bit "dirtier," but could you create an "Address" queue, an
> Address ticket for each address and then just link the other tickets to
> the Address tickets as needed?  This would at least make searching for
> tickets by address very easy.
Interesting idea.
I currently investigate if your above solution fits better or if I
create a new Address object which I can link to tickets. This requires
more coding but would be the cleaner solution.

> On 27 November 2014 at 21:29, Christian Loos <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     has anyone made a local modification to save addresses on tickets?
>     I'm looking for ideas how to implement this.
>     Our requirements:
>     * multiple addresses per ticket
>     * address types (postal, installation)
>     * search tickets by address
>     We currently use CustomFields (Street, City, ZIP), but can't save more
>     than one address per ticket with this.
>     Chris

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