
we installed the RT-Extension-RepeatTicket (1) which create recurring tickets - 
looks fine (-:

Is there a way to create a search-query to find all the enabled recurring 

The docu (2) said only
        To help you find this initial ticket, which may have been resolved long
        ago, a custom field is created on each ticket
        in the recurrence with link called "Original Ticket."

In the code (3), I found an object

which has a member 

telling me about the state.

I'm interesting in all enabled recurring tickets which will be able to create 
new childs by running bin/rt-repeat-ticket.

Is there a query or a 5-line-perl-code showing me this information


(1) http://search.cpan.org/~alexmv/RT-Extension-RepeatTicket-1.00/
(2) http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/ALEXMV/RT-Extension-RepeatTicket-1.00/README

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