On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 09:06:13PM +0000, Karres, Dean wrote:
> Hi,
> We hope to replace an ancient, homegrown ticketing system with RT.  There is 
> a feature in the old system that my boss hopes is available in RT.  This is 
> the idea of a "worklog".  Not every queue or ticket will require such a 
> thing.  It might be possible that the "Comments" in RT will suffice.  Is it 
> possible to look a ticket's History and see ONLY the comments?  It doesn't 
> look like it but I have missed other obvious stuff recently.
> I have seen the History Filter and Brief History extensions but I do not see 
> how they work really.  I am not sure they really apply here.  I looked at 
> creating a custom Search that would perhaps display the concatenated comment 
> thread for each ticked in a queue but how to do that was not obvious
> Basically is it possible to toggle the History view for a tickets and see all 
> the correspondence + comments; or only the correspondence; or only the 
> comments?

Hi Dean,

I would take a look at the code for:

 Show all quoted text — Show full headers 

for the ticket display page. Either add something similar as a local mod
or re-purpose an existing toggle for your use. We did this in an earlier
version to allow the ticket display to filter the meta-data changes out
of the history display to speed up rendering. That functionality was added
to the base system in more recent releases, but the changes were quite


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