Hi, I would like translate the sentence "The RT System itself " which appears when a status transaction done in a ticket. I tried to locate this in the transaction or ticket configuration, lib/RT/Transaction.pm or Ticket.pm and others .pm but I can't find this... Thanks,
Christophe *Christophe ARBEZ | Stagiaire développement* Syloé 803 rue de Pinville - 34000 Montpellier Tél: +33983014518 Email: christophe.ar...@syloe.fr www.syloe.fr <http://www.syloe.com/> | Blog.syloe.com <http://blog.syloe.com/> | Twitter <https://twitter.com/Syloe_SARL> | Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sylo%C3%A9/188258434526095?ref=hl>