Good morning all.
First Question:We recently set-up a Dashboard with subscriptions for a daily 
email report for incoming jobs.  This had some searches and some charts.  The 
first 2 emails it sent us were perfect,  formatted and were generally very nice 
to look at.  The 3rd and all emails since are now unformatted,  have no images 
and just attachments with the graphs.   Nothing has changed on the dashboard 
since and we have tested it on several browsers/mobile devices/email clients.  
I am just wondering if this is a known issue or if there is something I can 
change to make it reliable.
Second Question:For a long time we have had RT hooked up to an external service 
run by Apple.  This is working great, But now we would like to get deeper 
integration with the system, This means we need to improve the current error 
handling we have at the moment (For invalid details and various other bits of 
information)  Is there a way using RT Scripts to invoke the yellow or red error 
bar with a custom message? Or would this have to be done through a plugin of 
sorts.  Any information would be great.
Thank you for reading.Ashley Etherington.                                       

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