Il 04/09/15 14:36, Joop ha scritto:
On 4-9-2015 0:15, Simone Morandini wrote:
Hello list,

I'm an RT newbie, and I'm having a problem trying to export/import my
RT database content.
I have a machine running RT 4.2.9 and I need to move the content onto
another machine, where I prepared a clean install of the latest RT
On the old box I ran "rt-validator --check" and then "rt-serializer".
I moved the content of the output directory onto the new box, where I
ran "rt-importer /path/to/dir", but I'm having problems.
Why don't you use the export/import tools of the database of you choice?
Or are you switching from ABC to mysql/mariadb?

just for the records: exporting with mysqldump and then importing with mysql solved the issue.


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