On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 2:28 AM, Christian Loos <cl...@netcologne.de> wrote:

> Am 22.10.2015 um 22:21 schrieb Asif Iqbal:
> > # get the user list from the file
> > # this file has the list of users who will be assigned as owner in
> > round-robin
> > # you could have another logic external that could update this file to
> > get the
> > # generate the list of owners
> > my $file = "/var/tmp/ownerlist";
> >
> > return 1 unless open(my $fh, '<', $file);
> > my @owners = <$fh>;
> > return 1 unless close $fh;
> I think a better solution for the owners list would be to create a group
> in RT, assign the needed users to the group and then load the possible
> owner from that group. With this, you can change the owners list from
> the RT Webinterface.
> Script code would be something like this:
> my @owners;
> my $users = RT::Users->new(RT->SystemUser);
> $users->MemberOfGroup(<the id of the group>);
> while( my $user = $users->Next ) {
>     push @owners, $user->Name;
> }
I agree, this is cleaner. Although, I picked the external file since I am
for a way to update that with users who are not in vacation.

> Chris

Asif Iqbal
PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer: pgp.mit.edu
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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