Hi Aaron,

I believe you can do this all in RT.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Aaron W. Swenson
<aa...@grandmasfridge.org> wrote:
> I'm sure this has been answered by someone somewhere, but my Google-fu is
> not helping me.
> I have a few hundred tickets in a production system that I want to change
> the status with some criteria a bit more sophisticated than RT (4.2.12) is
> allowing me to do.
> The SQL I want to issue is:
>     UPDATE tickets
>        SET status = 'noresponse'
>      WHERE status = 'open' AND told < '2015-11-01'
>        AND told > lastupdated;
> The last condition is the one I can't enter in RT.

In your RT web interface, go to: Search -> Tickets -> New Search.

The key here is knowing that "Last Contacted" is really "Told", or so I believe.

>From a grep in the source directory:

share/html/Elements/SelectDateType:<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last

Once you get your search results, you can bulk update the status change.

> Effectively, update the status of all tickets that are still open to
> "noresponse", where the last update was us sending the requester an email.
> Is this safe?

Nope. Don't perform update/insert/delete queries directly on the
database. There are things like effective ticket id that your query
doesn't handle. Scrips and things wouldn't fire either.



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