On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Joe Kirby <ki...@umbc.edu> wrote:
> Our queues are setup to not contact the requestor on a comment via email OR
> to even let the requestor see the comment.
> One of my power users put a comment on the ticket but included as a one-time
> cc someone who does not go into RT very often.
> That user actually replied back to the email which then contacted the
> requestor with both his response and the original comment.
> Is there a way to recognize an email coming back to RT as a response to a
> comment and suppressing any email notification etc. to the requestor?

There are two questions you ask in the above sentence.

A. Is there a way to recognize an email coming back to RT as a
response to a comment?

Yes. That should happen per your configs:

Set($CommentAddress , 'comm...@rt.d.umn.edu');

When comments go out (even to one-time-ccs) the reply-to address will
be whatever is configured.

When replies to that comment come back to the system, your MTA is
configured to make those transactions comments:

$ grep comment /etc/aliases
comment: "|/opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate --queue 'helpdesk' --action
'comment' --url https://rt.d.umn.edu";

B. And suppress any email notifications to the requestor?

That is configured in your scrips.


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