
We are currently running on version 4.0.12 and I am looking to find a way 
export the current list of articles my company has accrued over the years. I 
thought that there would be some type of easy export tool or function within RT 
that would export all the articles to a CSV or XML file, but I could not find 

I was also thinking that I would be able to simply export the Articles table 
from the MySQL database we have, but the important content in the URI column 
links to "fsck.com-rtfm://ticket/article/#" which is what I am guessing has the 
content I need to tie in with the article.

I also did some searching through documentation to see if there was anything 
specific to exporting articles from RT but didn't find anything. Any help is 
much appreciated.

Thank You,

Terry O'Leary
RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions 
* Hamburg Germany - March 14 & 15, 2016
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

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