On 29-3-2016 22:49, Jeffrey Pilant wrote:
> Joop wrote:
> > In 4.2 BP introduced the concept of CustomFieldGrouping where you can
> > add CFs to other metadata blocks like Dates or People thats why
> > ShowSummary is different.
> > Could it be that the configuration variable todo wiht CF-Grouping has
> > been modified (incorrectly)??
> > 
> > Joop
> That probably explains it.  Here is the substance of my
> RT_SiteConfig.pm file:
>   Set($rtname, 'XXXXX.COM');
>   Set($WebDomain, 'XXXXX');
>   Set(@ReferrerWhitelist, qw(AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:80 XXXXX:80 xxxxx:80));
>   Set($WebPath, "/rt");
> We don’t use the email side at all (the server cannot even send mail),
> only the web side.
> Can you give me the CustomFieldGrouping I need?  We have CF’s of the
> following patterns:
>   LookupType  #  Name  Added   Type   Pattern  Status
>   Articles    #  CF    XX      ZZZZZ           Enabled
>   Articles    #  CF    XX, YY  ZZZZZ           Enabled
>   Tickets     #  CF    XX      ZZZZZ  [WWW]    Enabled
>   Tickets     #  CF    XX      ZZZZZ           Enabled
>   Tickets     #  CF    Global  ZZZZZ  [WWW]    Enabled
>   Tickets     #  CF    Global  ZZZZZ           Enabled
> With a total of 5 article and 20 ticket CFs.  Two of the latter are
> test entries.
> The RT_Config.pm suggests something of the form:
>   Set(%CustomFieldGroupings,
>       'RT::Ticket' => [
>           'Grouping Name'     => ['CF Name', 'Another CF'],
>           'Another Grouping'  => ['Some CF'],
>           'Dates'             => ['Shipped date'],
>       ],
>       'RT::User' => [
>           'Phones' => ['Fax number'],
>       ],
>   );
> If I have to add to a predefined group, I would like to add to "Basics".
> After adding to RT_SiteConfig.pm, I will bounce the web server to verify.
Anything that isn't in RT_SiteConfig.pm has a default that should give
you a working RT.
You didn't change anything in RT_Config.pm?

I'm at the end of my wits. Can't think of anything that would cause this
without having access to the systems.


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