
I have a working mod_authnz_ldap configuration for apache 2.4 (on a virtualhost 
on the same server) but I cannot seem to convert the configuration to a valid 
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP configuration.  At one point I could see in 
var/log/rt.log that it was at least checking the nested groups for membership 
but the filter didn't look quite right.  I have since changed that 
configuration and it seems to stall for a minute and then fail.  It gets my 
real name from the AD service but then cannot match the sub/nested group filter 
I think?

The apache configuration that works is:
    <Location /adirectoryname>
        LogLevel debug
        AuthName "Password protected. Enter your AD username and password."
        AuthType Basic
        AuthBasicProvider ldap
        AuthLDAPGroupAttribute member
        AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN on
        AuthLDAPBindDN "ldapbinduserstring"
        AuthLDAPBindPassword ldapbindpass
    Require ldap-filter 

So far I've got this in RT_SiteConfig.pm for RT:
Set($ExternalSettings, {
    'My_LDAP' => {
        'type' => 'ldap',
        'server' => 'corp.iweb.com<http://corp.iweb.com>',
        'user' => 'ldapbinduserstring',
        'pass' => 'ldapbindpass',
        'base' => 'OU=iweb,DC=corp,DC=iweb,DC=com',
        'filter' => '(objectClass=*)',
        'd_filter' => 'UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2',
        'group' => 'RTIR_WEB_SC_ACCESS',
        'group_scope' => 'sub',
        'group_attr' => 
        'group_attr_value' => 'OU=Groupes,OU=iWeb,DC=corp,DC=iweb,DC=com',
        'tls' => 0,
        'attr_match_list' => [
        'attr_map' => {
            'Name' => 'sAMAccountName',
            'EmailAddress' => 'mail',
            'Organization' => 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
            'RealName' => 'cn',
            'ExternalAuthId' => 'sAMAccountName',
            'Gecos' => 'sAMAccountName',
} );
Plugin('RT::IR', 'RT::Authen::ExternalAuth');

The log entries with the above configuration are:
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:12:14 2016] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth 
service: My_LDAP 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:12:14 2016] [debug]: Calling UserExists with $username 
(lstewart) and $service (My_LDAP) 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:12:14 2016] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: lstewart , service: My_LDAP 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:12:14 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
OU=iweb,DC=corp,DC=iweb,DC=com == Filter: 
(&(objectClass=*)(sAMAccountName=lstewart)) == Attrs: 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:12:14 2016] [debug]: Password validation required for 
service - Executing... 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:12:14 2016] [debug]: Trying external auth service: 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:14:14 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
OU=iweb,DC=corp,DC=iweb,DC=com == Filter: 
(&(sAMAccountName=lstewart)(objectClass=*)) == Attrs: 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:14:14 2016] [debug]: Found LDAP DN: CN=Landon 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:14:15 2016] [debug]: Attribute 
'OU=Groupes,OU=iWeb,DC=corp,DC=iweb,DC=com' has no value; falling back to 
'CN=Landon Stewart,OU=Utilisateurs,OU=iWeb,DC=corp,DC=iweb,DC=com' 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:14:15 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
RTIR_WEB_SC_ACCESS == Scope: sub == Filter: 
Stewart,OU=Utilisateurs,OU=iWeb,DC=corp,DC=iweb,DC=com) == Attrs: dn 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:14:15 2016] [critical]: Search for 
Stewart,OU=Utilisateurs,OU=iWeb,DC=corp,DC=iweb,DC=com) failed: 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:14:15 2016] [debug]: LDAP password validation result: 0 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:14:15 2016] [debug]: Password Validation Check Result:  
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:14:15 2016] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth. 
Response: (0, Password Invalid) 
[28280] [Thu Jul 14 19:14:15 2016] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for lstewart from 
xx.xx.xx.xx (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:810)

Landon Stewart
Lead Analyst - Abuse and Security Management
lstew...@internap.com<mailto:lstew...@internap.com> • 

RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions https://bestpractical.com/training
* Los Angeles - September, 2016

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