Are you sending from RT with your message reply preference set to non-WYSIWYG (plain text)? If the content is text/plain, I think it's getting wrapped in pre tags. If you compose in the rich text editor, it should get set as text/html and come through and be interpreted as HTML.

On 8/10/16 9:34 AM, wrote:

I’m currently trying to get my outgoing mail from RT 4.2.12 into html
format. This is my template:

*From: My dept name <ab...@mydept.tld>*

*RT-Attach-Message: yes*

*Content-Type: text/html*

* *

*<p style="font-size:10px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva,
sans-serif;">                                                   *

{$Transaction->Content(Type => 'text/html')}*

*<br /><br />*

*  Met vriendelijke groet,<br /><br />*

*  **Raymond<br />*

*  <strong>My Dept</strong><br />*

*<img src="imgurl"/>  *

*  <br /><br />*


Now the signature works, and is shown correctly, but the text I’m
sending out through RT gets wrapped around these tags:

<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: monospace;">My ticket

This means that my signature is in the correct markup, but the main text
of the outgoing mail isn’t. Is there any way I can fix this?

Kind regards,

Raymond Teunissen


RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions
* Los Angeles - September, 2016

RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions
* Los Angeles - September, 2016

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