The coloured items are links but they are not <h> tags. Their attributes
are defined using CSS classes.

I tried tabbing through the page and you have to tab through every item in
every menu before you get to the body of the ticket. Once in the body of
the ticket tabbing jumps from link to link, and tickets typically have many
of these.

Of interest may be RT's built-in keyboard shortcuts:

While there are shortcuts to navigate search results as well as some basic
actions (like commenting) there do not appear to be shortcuts for
navigating headings within a ticket.

On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 at 15:05 Alex Hall <> wrote:

> Thanks for testing. My only concerns are mousing over things to get them
> to read, and whether the colored items are true headings?
> For mousing, I wonder if tab will do the same? That is, if you tab from
> field to field, will NVDA announce the field label as focus changes to the
> field? I never use a mouse, so moving the pointer over a field isn't
> something I think of testing.
> The colored items: are those headings in look only, or actual h tags? That
> is, when you're on the page with them, does pressing the h key move you to
> each one in turn?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 24, 2016, at 19:18, Chris McClement <> wrote:
> Hi Alex
> While I don't have much experience with web accessibility I do run a
> network of public PCs that includes NVDA installed on those PCs, so I
> jumped onto one of them to do a quick test of the RT web pages with NVDA
> active. Bearing in mind that I don't know what is supposed to be good and
> bad for these sorts of things, here are my observations, based on the list
> of your basics:
> - label tags for form fields: yes. You have to mouse over for them to be
> read
> - table titles - When I opened a ticket listing (for example, by clicking
> on a search) the page opened and the first thing NVDA said was "table of x
> rows and Y columns". It also read the table title (e.g. "Found 1 Ticket").
> However it did not automatically read column titles, I had to mouse over
> them.
> - image descriptions use alt attribute - yes, but actually a bit annoying.
> At the top right hand corner of every RT page is the Best Practical Logo so
> every page change one of the things it read was the Logo's alt attribute.
> It felt redundant really quickly!
> - use of headings/landmarks - yes, RT divides tickets display pages into
> sections and the headings are not only in enlarged fonts but different
> sections have color-coded headings. For example, "The Basics" and "Custom
> Fields" is in bright red, the "People" section is in light blue, "Dates" is
> in magenta, etc. So depending on the level of your visual impairment that
> may be useful.
> - accessible widgets like menus or dialogs: menus = yes, dialogs = no.
> There are no popups. Also, the menus are all dropdowns, so nothing visible
> in the menu until you click on it. Clicking on a menu heading does not
> change page, it just opens the menu. Not sure if it is relevant but you can
> configure custom field selection boxes in multiple ways, so for example you
> can make them a dropdown box, or a selectable list, that sort of thing.
> One other observation for the web interface: in ticket listings, RT
> abbreviates dates (so "Aug" for August" etc) which took a bit of getting
> used to when NVDA read out the abbreviation when I moused over it.
> Hope that helps!
> Chris
> On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 at 00:10 Alex Hall <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Thanks for your comments on my long list of questions yesterday. I'm
>> going to take today and set up RT on our Debian server, just to see how
>> well it works. As I do, one final question comes to mind: how well does RT
>> work with screen readers?
>> For those unfamiliar, a screen reader does basically what it says on the
>> box: it is a program that speaks, using synthesized speech, what's on the
>> screen. It uses standard system commands augmented with a set of its own
>> commands to read just about everything--emails, webpages, spreadsheets,
>> documents, menus, etc. Different screen readers do different amounts of
>> guessing if the OS/current application fails to provide information, but
>> they all work best when whatever you're using them to access complies with
>> standards and best practices.
>> In this case, I'm wondering how compliant RT's webpages are with web
>> accessibility standards. I'm visually impaired, so use a screen reader
>> (NVDA, to do all my work. I'm the only one who
>> will be using RT here that needs a screen reader, but as it's my job to
>> administer the system, I have to be able to use it reasonably well.
>> OSTicket has several major problems in this area, and, while I could
>> usually get around them, they made things slower and more frustrating than
>> they needed to be.
>> If anyone has any experience with web accessibility and happens to know
>> how well RT works with common screen readers, I'd love your thoughts.
>> Specifically, I'm looking for the basics--label tags for form fields, table
>> titles, image descriptions using the alt attribute, use of headings and/or
>> landmarks to facilitate easy navigation, accessible widgets like menus or
>> dialogs, and so on. I'll find out soon first-hand how well RT does at
>> these, and I did have a quick look through the demo site, but if anyone has
>> input I'd love to hear it. Thanks.
>> --
>> Alex Hall
>> Automatic Distributors, IT department
>> ---------
>> RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
>> * Boston - October 24-26
>> * Los Angeles - Q1 2017
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

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