I use a cron job that runs fetchmail.  Here's my fetchmail config file.  The 
credentials are for the mail server, not RT.

poll imap.gmail.com proto IMAP user "exam...@example.com" with pass 
"example1234" no idle ssl mda "/opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate --url 
https://requesttracker.example.com --queue General --action correspond"

To get fancier you could use the +queue part of the email and have Gmail put it 
in specific imap folders and then have the fetchmail configs go into different 
queues based on the imap folder by adding something like folder "queueName" to 
the above line.

For the no permission error, is it possible that the sending email address in 
the test is a disabled user in RT? I've had that happen before. Overall that 
sounds more like a permissions issue to the user or queue rather than an issue 
with fetchmail or rt-mailgate.


> On Sep 5, 2016, at 12:47 PM, Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com> wrote:
> One more follow-up. Now that I have fetchmail working (my cron job question 
> still applies) what do I use for the username? I got "no permission to create 
> tickets in queue 'General'" when I tried to use email creation. Good, because 
> it's picking up emails correctly, but bad, because I'm not sure who lacks the 
> permission. I'm guessing either the user set in the fetchmailrc file, or my 
> email address? If the former, to what do I set the value? If the latter, how 
> do I allow users to create tickets via email automatically? Thanks.
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 1:52 PM, Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com 
> <mailto:ah...@autodist.com>> wrote:
> Thanks for the answers. I'm happy, and a bit surprised, to say that I have my 
> test RT instance sending out emails on ticket creation/activity using 
> postfix. It's not a GUI like OSTicket is, but this took far less time to get 
> working. Indeed, the more I use RT, the happier I am that I switched to it.
> Anyway, I have a fetchmail question. I have to make the configuration file 
> for fetchmail, which I've done successfully. Testing with that file, 
> fetchmail works. I got the file syntax/setup from here:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GmailPostfixFetchmail 
> <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GmailPostfixFetchmail>
> However, the RT fetchmailrc file the wiki says to use looks very, very 
> different:
> https://rt-wiki.bestpractical.com/wiki/Fetchmail 
> <https://rt-wiki.bestpractical.com/wiki/Fetchmail>
> For one thing, there's no interval, so how does fetchmail know to poll every 
> few minutes? Do I call fetchmail /path/to/myfetchmailrc as a cron job?
> Second, there seems to be a lot of repetition. For instance, is there any way 
> to store my RT URL and domain as variables, so I could just do
> username someAddress@$domain url $myURL
> and so on? This isn't a big deal, but the programmer in me cringes at the 
> re-use of what should be a static string. Thanks in advance. Oh, if there are 
> any reasons to use getmail instead, please let me know. I just found more 
> resources that use fetchmail, and fetchmail doesn't need to be compiled as 
> getmail seems to, so fetchmail won. I'm not at all opposed to switching if I 
> should, though.
> On Sun, Sep 4, 2016 at 6:09 PM, Chris McClement <chri...@bosberaad.com 
> <mailto:chri...@bosberaad.com>> wrote:
> You don't need to setup your own mail server, you can just use Gmail. There 
> are two components to it:
> - sending mail via gmail from RT
> - fetching mail from gmail and inserting it into RT queues
> For sending mail via gmail from RT, start here: 
> http://serverfault.com/questions/204216/how-to-make-request-tracker-use-an-external-smtp-mail-server
> <http://serverfault.com/questions/204216/how-to-make-request-tracker-use-an-external-smtp-mail-server>.
>  The answer to that thread links to how-tos.
> For fetching mail and inserting it into RT queues, you first need to install 
> either fetchmail or getmail (I use getmail), configure it to collect mail 
> from the gmail inbox allocated to the queue, and then hand off mail it 
> collects to rt-mailgate. rt-mailgate's arguments direct mail to the relevant 
> queues.
> On Mon, 5 Sep 2016 at 02:30 Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com 
> <mailto:ah...@autodist.com>> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've never set up or run a mail server before, but I need to get email 
> working with RT. We use Gmail Apps at work, so everyone has an email address. 
> Right now, tick...@domain.com <mailto:tick...@domain.com> is our ticket one, 
> and I'll use tickets+queuen...@domain.com 
> <mailto:tickets+queuen...@domain.com> for email ticket creation.
> What I'm wondering is which is the best mail server to use on the Debian 8 
> server that hosts RT? FastMail seems popular, but will it be best suited to 
> Gmail, which requires encryption? Is there a better one? Any other notes on 
> doing this I should know? Thanks in advance. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> ---------
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> -- 
> Alex Hall
> Automatic Distributors, IT department
> ah...@autodist.com <mailto:ah...@autodist.com>
> -- 
> Alex Hall
> Automatic Distributors, IT department
> ah...@autodist.com <mailto:ah...@autodist.com>
> ---------
> RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
> https://bestpractical.com/training <https://bestpractical.com/training>
> * Boston - October 24-26
> * Los Angeles - Q1 2017

RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
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* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

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