On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 11:07 PM, Thierry Thelliez
<thierry.thelliez.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to avoid creating a user in the first place.

I'm not sure there is a way around that. The user record is integral
to the paper-trail auditability of RT.

 From what I have
> been able to trace in the RT code, a first class user is created from the CC
> field.

I'm not sure what you mean by first class user.

> But that's a bit confusing in our case.  We are using our own external
> authentication system and when CCs are automatically created, our system
> detects the new user and let them request a password.

Okay. Perhaps your external authentication system could make use of
the "comments" field in the users table. "Autocreated when added as a
watcher" is the value when users are, well, autocreated when added as
watchers. :)

What are you using for your external authentication system? It sends
new users an email telling them they may request a password?

  But since we just
> want them to be receiving emails, not accessing RT, a password leads them to
> confusion.  They cannot/should not see anything in RT.


> Of course we could change our code to double check if these accounts are
> 'empty' (not members of anything).  But I was wondering if we could skip the
> user account in the first place.

I don't think you could skip the user account.

RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
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