On Oct 4, 2016, at 2:09 PM, Anthony Nguyen-Duong 
<ant...@hotmail.com<mailto:ant...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Landon,

Thanks for the reply.
In your implementation, what kind of charts can you make with those CFs?

We classify our tickets by subject matter so the chart I'm seeing is basically 
grouped by three CFs.  It basically shows that X staff replies are made for 
every Y client replies broken down by each classification.   It's not perfect 
but I haven't looked into using the calculation part of the graphing yet for 

I have implemented a "Number of Emails" CF before with a similar implementation 
as your second approach, but when charting I can only use it for grouping. So 
the table would look something like:
Number of Emails | Ticket count
             0                            53
             1                            89
             2                            25
Further, wouldn't all tickets that already exist in my database have "(no 
value)" for the new CF? My understanding is that the new CF would only "kick 
in" for new tickets.
I might re-consider implementing a CF again, but something similar to your 
first approach. The second approach is definitely more efficient, but my 
supervisor has asked that I implement it in a way that it is drawing from the 
data in the database rather than incrementing a counter, which could end up 
being less reliable.

I think I would consider doing some creative joins and subqueries with the 
mysql tables to get this information instead but it will get complicated really 
quickly.  I should have mentioned that after I used the second approach I 
described I had to update all the tickets with the first approach in order to 
get everything caught up but I only have to do it once after the second 
approach was finished and working.

Landon Stewart
Lead Analyst - Abuse and Security Management
📧 lstew...@internap.com<mailto:lstew...@internap.com>
🌍 www.internap.com<http://www.internap.com>

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