Hi Malcolm,

The output from rt-ldapimport is normal if no changes are required, as
I've just tried it here in my lab and it is working.

Incidentally LDAPImport doesn't currently support TLS, I've written a patch which you are welcome to have if you would like it. I'm afraid I haven't submitted it to BP
yet, but intend too when I get some time.

Best Regards


On 2016-10-19 14:21, Malcolm Galland wrote:
Ah, yes.  It looks like I had commented it out during testing, and
that's what was causing the PeerHost error.  Below is the section of
SiteConfig dedicated to LDAPImport:

    Set($LDAPBase, 'dc=domain,dc=int'); 
    Set($LDAPFilter, '(&(cn = users))'); 
    Set($LDAPMapping, {Name         => 'uid', # required
                       EmailAddress => 'mail', 
                       RealName     => 'cn', 
                       WorkPhone    => 'telephoneNumber', 
                       Organization => 'departmentName'}); 

    # If you want to sync Groups from LDAP into RT

    Set($LDAPGroupBase, 'dc=domain,dc=int'); 
    Set($LDAPGroupFilter, '(&(cn = Groups))'); 
    Set($LDAPGroupMapping, {Name               => 'cn', 
                            Member_Attr        => 'member', 
                            Member_Attr_Value  => 'dn' });

Interesting follow up question though, when I run rt-ldapimport I don't
get any errors, but the output doesn't exactly instill a feeling of
sucess either:

/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-ldapimport --debug
Running test import, no data will be changed
Rerun command with --import to perform the import
Rerun command with --debug for more information
Testing group import
Finished test

On Wed, 2016-10-19 at 14:09 +0000, Martin Wheldon wrote:
Hi Malcolm,

You are missing the LDAP import configuration, which is separate
the External auth config.
The following will help:


Best Regards


On 2016-10-19 13:37, Malcolm Galland wrote:
> I've set up RT, and am testing it with rt-server.  Everything seems
> to
> be going smoothly except LDAP with RT::Authen::ExternalAuth.  I
> read
> the docs and have implemented the suggested changes in
> /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm like so:
> Set( $ExternalAuthPriority, ["My_LDAP"] );
> Set( $ExternalInfoPriority, ["My_LDAP"] );
> Set($ExternalAuth, 1);
> Set( $UserAutocreateDefaultsOnLogin, { Privileged => 1 } );
> Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 1);
> Set($ExternalSettings, {
>     'My_LDAP'       =>  {
>         'type'             =>  'ldap',
>         'server'           =>  'ggdc1.domain.int',
>         'user'             =>  'LDAP_ACCOUNT',
>         'pass'             =>  'LDAP_ACCOUNT_PASS',
>         'base'             =>  'ou=Production,dc=domain,dc=int',
>         'filter'           =>  '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)',
>         'attr_match_list'  => [
>             'Name',
>             'EmailAddress',
>         ],
>         'attr_map' => {
>                 'Name'         => 'sAMAccountName',
>                 'EmailAddress' => 'mail',
>                 'RealName'     => 'cn',
>                 'WorkPhone'    => 'telephoneNumber',
>                 'Address1'     => 'streetAddress',
>                 'City'         => 'l',
>                 'State'        => 'st',
>                 'Zip'          => 'postalCode',
>                 'Country'      => 'co',
>         },
>     },
> } );
> The issue is when I try to login the users aren't allowed access,
> and I
> get the following error from rt-server:
> [error]: FAILED LOGIN for username_redacted from IP_REDACTED
> (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:826)
> Just for kicks, if I run /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-ldapimport --debug
> I get: 
>  [critical]: Expected 'PeerHost' at
> /usr/local/share/perl/5.20.2/Net/LDAP.pm line 164.
> (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT.pm:390)
> Any ideas?  I read every document I could find, but it's hard to
> know
> which non-official ones you can trust since RT has been around so
> long
> and ExternalAuth was just added to the core.  Also, the official
> docs
> are a bit terse.
> ---------
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