Keith, Cris,  thank you for sharing.

Cris, I'm going to look into that wiki of yours.

To share with both of you, I just finished writing a combination of bash scripts, combined with an Open Source VOIP switch (Asterisk) and am able to create tickets ON THE FLY, real time, with caller id name and number, inserted into the ticket, with a unique identifier for call recordings for an active on-going call.

This is more of a hobby / learning exercise. Its very much at its primitive stages but very functional.

Since its barely 3-4 days since I started with RT, I'm documenting all the steps and questions that I'm coming up with. Perhaps that doc will help with future learning of enthusiasts.

Hopefully more people will share what they are doing with the REST API, as it gives us all more perspective of what can be done and what people doing in real life.


Reza wrote on 10/26/2016 3:17 AM:

/*Greetings Community:*/

Past 3:00 AM EST here in Toronto and this learning exercise is just too darn addictive!

I've already been digging deep inside the API documentations of RT, to be more specific the REST API.

The contributors and developers of RT are simply pure ingenious. The REST API is allowing any Joe like me to come up with a beautifully designed web interface and communicate with RT to do almost anything (if not all). I've already started writing code to integrate with bash scripts, php, simple CURL, etc., as the initial input by web-form, or telephone touch pad. I'm only beginning to imagine the potential of a phone system integration of a call centre into RT.

Most of us here are systems admins, system analysts and coders. Just curious... how many of you folks here in this community have actually written your own apps to integrate with RT via the REST API?


[Superbly pumped to learn more.  Cheers!]

RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

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