Hi all,
I've enabled FTS on the database, and restarted the server just to be sure.
I have this line in one of my config files:

Set( %FullTextSearch,
    Enable => 1,
    Indexed => 1,
    Table => 'AttachmentsIndex');

And yet, in global > system config, I see that Enable is set to 0, not 1.
I've looked at the loaded config files, and they include the one where I
enabled this. After a lot of work yesterday, I did get the index program to
run without any warnings, so I know that worked. I see no errors in the log
when RT starts, at least not related to FTS.

I'm on RT 4.4.1, MySQL 5.7, Debian 8. What's the trick to getting FTS to
work? Thanks!

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017

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