I'm using the Crontool, yes, but I've also been doing searches on the web
interface to see if I could get this to work. My Crontool syntax is
something like:

/opt/rt4/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL \
--search-arg "status != 'resolved' and LastUpdated <= '3 days ago'" \
--action RT::Action \


/opt/rt4/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL \
--search-arg "status != 'resolved'" \
--condition RT::Condition::UntouchedInHours \
--arg-condition 72 \

This shouldn't be modifying tickets, yet I'm seeing tickets created hours
or minutes ago appearing in the results. Same for my RT web searches for
similar SQL to what's above.

I'm in the database now, looking at the Tickets table and messing with
queries. I just tried this, but got an empty set:

select id, LastUpdated
from Tickets
where LastUpdated <= '3 days ago'
order by LastUpdated DESC
limit 10;

I'm not surprised I got nothing, as I imagine the '3 days ago' syntax is
something RT interprets before giving the query to the database engine.
Still, it was worth a shot. I'm now refreshing my knowledge of date math in
MySQL so I can query exactly what I want, but I hoped UntouchedInHours
would do all that for me. Oh, and yes, LastUpdated does seem to have normal
values in it. They're in GMT time, but they seem to be correct.

On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Matt Zagrabelny <mzagr...@d.umn.edu> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 12:54 PM, Alex Hall <ah...@autodist.com> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I'm trying to get stale ticket alerts working, so am using the
> > UntouchedInHours condition. I've also tried, in SQL:
> > LastUpdated <= '2 days ago'
> > and similar searches. Yet, I always get the same number of tickets as I
> get
> > when I leave the date restriction off completely, and UntouchedInHours is
> > always giving me tickets opened today.
> I assume you are using rtcrontool. Correct?
> How are you alerting?
> Is the alerting actually "touching" the tickets thus affecting the query?
> You can query the tickets table directly and see the lastupdated
> field. See if that field changes how you would expect when you "touch"
> or "update" a ticket.
> -m

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department

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