Hi Manu,

Thanks for your answer ;)

I have tried to modify MyRequests in an overlay, yesterday, but my perl
coding is quite bad as you known ;)

Nevermind, I try to imagine use CC instead of modifing the hard coded
things, but in this goal, I'll need to define watchers automatically.

For example, I'll need to add "user group" called foobar to all existing
tickets in queue foobar and the futurs created tickets in it!

The question is, is it possible ?

In the other hand, I don't know whyone queue per customer is not a good



Le 04/01/2017 à 09:45, Emmanuel Lacour a écrit :
> Le 03/01/2017 à 18:27, Felix Defrance a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I don't find how I could add ShowTickets or QueueList in SelfService.
>> I want to allow my unprivileged users, grouped by company name, to
>> see all tickets in their queue.
>> The group rights on the queue is correctly defined and users could
>> access to the tickets by entring the ticket number in the "goto
>> Ticket" field (top right in SelfService).
>> I have tried to play with CustomRole but it's not working for me. So
>> anybody known how I can do it?
> SelfService filters ticket list to tickets the user is watcher on
> (requestor or Cc). This is hard coded in
> share/html/SelfService/Elements/MyRequests:
> my $id = $session{'CurrentUser'}->id;
> my $Query = "( Watcher.id = $id )";
> if ($status) {
>     $status =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
>     $Query .= " AND Status = '$status'";
> }
> so if you wan't to relax this to all tickets users have ShowTicket
> rights, you have to modify this query ;)
> But I strongly discourage (unless really needed) to setup an RT
> instance with one queue per customer, best to think queues per
> internal support team and play with customroles/groups or customfields
> to set the customer.

Félix Defrance
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