Hi List,

I hope you can help me on this topic since the online documentation won't me 
bring any further.

So in order to deal with our spam I've done the following:

1) added a new spam queue
2) created a new global scrip (according to the spamfilter 1b solution provided 
3) set the order of the scrips so that this new scrip is executed first
4) overwritten all global templates with empty ones in the spam queue (so that in any case a global scrip still triggers here now mail is actually send out)

What happens is that the spam scrip successfully re-queues all spam to the spam queue _but_ after that still an email is sent to all of our AdminCC's according to a global scrip which enforces this: The scrip order is the following

24 0 On Creat Check Spamassasin score and move to SPAM queue when exceeding threshold User Defined User Defined Blank Enabled
8 On Create Notify Owner and AdminCcs On Create Notify Owner and AdminCcs Transaction in HTML Enabled
    9     On Create Notify Ccs     On Create     Notify Ccs     Correspondence 
in HTML     Enabled
10 On Create Notify Other Recipients On Create Notify Other Recipients Correspondence in HTML Enabled


I don't quite understand this. I thought that the scrips are executed in the order I define. But it seems like all scrips that meet the condition on the Transaction type (in this case "Create") are marked for execution and then processed in the given order. This would mean that there are only two ways I can prevent further scrips from triggering/doing their job after the detection of spam by a) either modifying all global scrips or b) achieve that after the queue change the ticket/transaction itself if invalid somehow (so that consecutive scrips won't be able to do anything meaningful anymore).

As I don't want to alter our global scrips (they are global and and easy for some reason) I would like to know how I can achieve solution b? It should be able that after the queue change to the SPAM queue any "on create" triggering scrip "fails" - but I don't know how.

Many thanks in advance,

- Sebastian

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