Devops/ Site Reliability Engineer


Long term

*What are Engineering expectation for DevOps / SRE role as part of Site
Facing Services?*

1.       1. Handle all infrastructure change needs through any
non-functional threads.

   1. Cloud Adoption
      2. Capacity Adjustments based on Stress Test runs
      3. ECV check enablement / disablement
      4. DR Tests
   1. Periodic Performance Evaluations through Stress tests, profiling
   application and system characteristics
      1. Solve System level findings that needs solution through point 1
      2. Consult with application teams on application level solutions
      based upon industry / walmart standards.
   2. Tooling
      1. Splunk dashboards
      2. Instrumentation usage - Consume info and provide visibility across
      the board
      3. Monitoring and Alerting - Share SLI / SLA / SLO baselines and
      trend related metrics
   3. Stress test support
      1. Observe and report on system characteristics across all Site
      facing services.  During stress test no functionality is typically
      validated, but only system scalability and other system characteristics.
      Observing, reporting and taking actions like node-additions can
      be done thru SRE
   4. Introducing new technology or platform through evaluations
      1. Ex: Uber move to Selar DB
      2. Evaluation of new tech in Azure platform
   5. CD / CI Management
      1. Process management
      2. Tools that aide with release check list validations with clear
      3. CD / CI pipeline monitoring and metrics

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