Hello Chris,

On 2014-05-01 19:53, Chris Nott wrote:

Just reviewing interrupts now. I'm not sure your question fully makes sense.
Unlike smaller embedded arms (eg. Cortex-M3), he interrupts on Cortex-A8 are
two-phase. There is an external (to the ARM core) interrupt controller that
feeds interrupts to the ARM IRQ and FIRQ lines. The ARM process itself actually
only has those two interrupt signals.

It looks like the code currently handles IRQ and FIRQ serially, so any
interrupts at each level would be handled serially regardless of priority set
in the INTC. Presumably what we eventually want to do here for both IRQ and
FIRQ handlers is, receive the interrupt, immediately set the INTC priority to
the received interrupt level to block lower priority interrupts (including the
current interrupt), then acknowledge IRQ/FIRQ and dispatch the actual interrupt
handler at a lower CPU priority so we can nest IRQ/FIRQ and handle higher
priority interrupts.

the FIRQ are not supported at the operating system level in RTEMS, see also comment in cpu.h.

I'm not quite familiar with ARM family yet to be sure how this is normally
accomplished or if there is an existing supported ARM with the same interrupt
controller structure. TI provide sample source including interrupt handler that
supports this stuff. It might be a good place to start playing with it, the
source pretty much compiles fine in the RTEMS environment.

The interrupt priority handling must be accomplished by the interrupt 

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
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